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Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Book Club

I'll be meeting with the sixth grade learners tomorrow to survey the interests of those who have signed up to become members of a book club I will be leading. We'll seek nominations of books to feature in our reading group. We will meet in a classroom during lunch once a week to discuss reading selections as we progress through each book. In that manner, we can be casual, enjoy a meal, examine plots and character development, reflect on the author's intent, and draw inferences on future directions, all without infringing on class time.

I'm glad that nearly every sixth grader has expressed a desire to join the book club, and I'm excited by the level of interest and appreciation the boys and girls have in reading outside of required class assignments. It's critical that school leaders identify what's important in school by showing their values and beliefs rather than simply telling of their values and beliefs. What better way to shine a spotlight on the signicant role of reading in developing minds than having the superintendent lead a book club?

There are a number of different directions we can go once we get started with our book club. We can eventually create our own projected endings prior to actually finishing  the book, or skecth out potential sequels based on our interpretation of the context and plot of the book. In a related possibility, I have communicated with the community representative of a big-box book store in the region who appears receptive to my proposal that our learners produce written reviews of books that could be placed in a binder and located in the appropriate section of the store for customers who want "expert" reviews and recommendations of books for their own kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews... prepared by kids instead of some adult writing from an adult perspective on a book targeted for youth.

There are a lot of opportunities for our book club as we move forward.

This is just one step in what I hope and trust will be many expanded opportunities for our school as we all move forward.


  1. I'm glad this is coming about. A very active parent (who transferred out of the area) wanted for a Book Club to be started. He proposed his idea to the Board and then created a survey to see the interest. The difference may be because of it being during the school day as opposed to after school/evenings.

    This is great for the kids!

    In the past (2 webmasters ago), there were brief book reviews that were posted on our website for the high school English classes. Maybe putting the written reviews on a section of our website as well.

  2. Great Idea!!!! I also was one of the parent's that showed a interest for a Book Club for my daughter. I hope that it can be extednd to maybe 3rd grade as well.

    Ms. Yaddow
