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Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Season Of Giving

The children in Kindergarten, First, and Second grades presented a terrific holiday concert featuring a wide variety of seasonal songs that delivered the holiday spirit to audience members. The event was well attended by a grateful crowd. The smiles on the faces of the singers, and the nervous anxiety they displayed before the opening note, were soon replaced with the serious expressions of children who had prepared themselves with practice and pride. The decorations in the room and the holiday accessories worn by many of the children certainly signaled the approach of Christmas.

It is the season of giving, and our youngest learners gave a fine performance for family and friends tonight. But this certainly isn't the only way in which members of our school give of their effort and energy to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Just today, the Heatly High Senior Class of 2011 coordinated with the American Red Cross to collect blood from donors like myself and several other staff members and community members to meet a critical need during the holidays. Both the High School Student Council and the Elementary School Student Council regularly generate goodwill and support for many different projects and programs throughout the year, from a well organized recycling program to the collection of gently used Halloween costumes for those unable to enjoy trick or treating, to collections of personal care items for our troops overseas. There's also a large scale Food Drive in which high school students deliver bags and notices to every door in Green Island, then they pick everything up driving the streets of Green Island. Finally, after a great deal of cooperation and hard work, the food is sorted and organized. Boxes are then prepped for delivery to families in need. This year's Food Drive reached out to support 50 families!

In addition, the Heatly PTO collected non-perishable foods, toiletries and entertainment items (playing cards, crossword puzzles, etc) to send to the troops serving overseas during this holiday season. One of our staff members organized a group of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders who will be making holiday cards to send to American service members, their families, and veterans all over the world through the Holiday Mail for Heroes program this year. There have been community service groups representing the school that have generously offered time and assistance in any number of local activities, from supplying help clearing snow from the cars of senior citizens to volunteering to serve at special senior citizen breakfast events. The array of community oriented experiences is too numerous to list them all, while several other individuals or groups prefer to remain anonymous in their acts. Similarly, staff members, beyond those who serve in leadership roles advising our student groups, also pitch in and give back to the community through many different opportunities.

The Heatly School is a large and vital part of the Green Island community. Our school building is often the hub of activity within the village, from basketball games to concerts, from recreational programs to hosting the public voting booths, and a lot more in between. We recognize how crucial the people of Green Island are in providing the emotional support and the financial resources necessary to sustain the dreams and hopes of children pursuing excellence. We make a conscious effort to do our part and meet our responsibility as an active partner in the community. We strive to give throughout the year, not just in this season of giving. Look for our continued plans to make a difference.

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