Tonight was the induction ceremony for the local chapter of the National Honor Society. This national organization shares the following information on its website:
National Honor Society (NHS) and National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) are more than just an honor roll. The Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student's outstanding performance in the areas of: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.
The young men and women who were acknowledged this evening for their accomplishments have earned membership in this distinguishing organization through a combination of commitment, self-discipline, intrinsic motivation, and pursuit of excellence. These attributes were consistently demonstrated over an extended period of time. Candidates for the National Honor Society were subject to analysis of their transcripts to determine whether they met high performance standards. They were also required to submit a letter of reference from a community member a well as a faculty member. In addition, they completed a Student Activity Information Form that would reveal experiences outside of the classroom that would warrant consideration in the selection process. Finally, the five member Faculty Council voted on the nominations, with a majority vote needed to approve the candidate.
I'm proud of the hard work and dedication that the newly inducted members of the Honor Society have displayed in and out of school. Their attitude and achievement have reflected positively on the school district.
The ceremony was well organized and presented efficiently. There were many people in attendance. Parents and family members who have exercised their support throughout the years formed an appreciative audience. Several staff members were also on hand to witness the inductees experience this memorable event.
Beyond the Honor Society induction ceremony, there were also a number of prestigious awards granted to exemplary learners. Many of these awards included the prospect of thousands of dollars in the form of scholarships to local colleges, like RPI and Russell Sage.
All in all, it was a great night befitting the terrific young men and women who were bestowed with well deserved honors. They are the pride of Heatly High!
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