I was running after staff members tonight, chasing them through the streets of Albany.
That may not sound like a good thing for a superintendent to be admitting. However, the occasion was a positive experience. We had formed a running team consisting of Heatly staff members to participate in the CDPHP sponsored 2011 Workforce Challenge Cup. Tonight marked the 31st consecutive year of the event. It's designed to bring colleagues together to promote a healthy and fun activity. Businesses and organizations are encouraged to field teams, wear tee shirts representing their work place, and join others in an activity that also raises funds for local non-profits.
There were over 9,200 participants. Some companies had over 100 staff members on their teams. The mass of people made for a colorful rainbow like collection of tee shirts that proceeded up Madison Avenue as son as the race started. The atmosphere was festive, with music playing in the background as the various work groups assembled at the plaza area adjacent to the state museum. The rain held off and the runners enjoyed nice weather, a little humid, but the soft breeze made for a comfortable temperature.
Heatly's staff members ran very well and were great representatives of the school. They demonstrated spirit and commitment. I was grateful to be included on the team. I could say that I was running behind them all to make sure that each of them was okay, but I have to admit I was feeling all of my 58 years (and lack of regular training). I finished the 3.5 mile distance more than a handful of minutes after they had crossed the finish line. They did a great job!
As superintendent, it's important to display support for school related activities, especially when staff members are going above and beyond to promote awareness of our school. Actually, the 3.5 mile run was not as difficult as preparing the recently approved school district budget. It was a nice relief to get out and enjoy the good weather after approaching exhaustion these last few weeks focused on constructing a budget that balanced the needs of the learners and the capacity of the tax payers. The run was an entirely different experience than what awaits me two weeks from tomorrow. I hope that June 3rd will be sunny and warm because I have volunteered to sit in a dunking booth at a celebration the school is providing to reward learners who have consistently demonstrated positive behavior for the second half of the school year.
Oh well, I'm sure it will be fun - just like the race tonight.
Alchemy was the process studied during the Middle-Ages that combined chemistry, magic, and philosophy in an attempt to convert cheaper metals into gold or silver. What does this have to do with school improvement? Many schools have unsuccessfully attempted similar transformations on an educational level. Follow this Blog and find out how to improve schools, as I share 40 years worth of school leadership experience.
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